Corey Porter
Instructional Designer

Corey received his Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics and his Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from Penn State University. He taught Physics, Math, and Chemistry at the high school level for ten years in Fairfax County and Alexandria City. He is passionate about the scientific process and the development of knowledge through communal efforts. Corey believes that we learn best when we open ourselves to the experiences and perspectives of others, and he brings that focus to his work with Magellan.
“One of the best parts of teaching science is the emphasis on gaining knowledge through opening ourselves up to be uncomfortable. One of my favorite things to do with Magellan is build activities that put the onus of learning on the students and force them to step outside their comfort zone. Doing this gives students the opportunity to gain new perspectives on knowledge and themselves that they wouldn’t otherwise be forced to encounter.”